Sunday, April 13, 2014

Pirates, Dinosaurs, and Internships...Oh My!

Last week Brandon and I saw Pirates of the Caribbean Live, at the Royal Albert Hall (he found half-off tickets thanks to Groupon!). This is where the movie is played on a large screen while a live orchestra performs the background music.  It was a very cool experience, totally different than a regular orchestra concert.

The Stovers at Royal Albert Hall
Pirates and the Orchestra
Earlier this week Paige, a friend of mine from college, visited London with one of her friends, so I got to spend a day with them at the Natural History Museum.  While Brandon and I have been to this museum before, we totally missed out on the best part - the Dinosaurs! 


Paige and I
Last Friday was my final internship day.  For the past three months I have been working three days a week for the Communications/Marketing Team at the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment (OAE).  This has been a great internship for me to gain hands-on experience working in an arts administration position.  Throughout my time I have:  written and sent-out press releases, promoted OAE concerts and events, contributed to OAE's social media and blog, and other various administrative tasks.  To see some of my blog posts for the OAE click here.

But what I've enjoyed most (and will miss the most) are the people who worked in the office with me!  They have been so helpful and friendly and wonderful.  For my last day they brought me lovely flowers, champagne, and a precious silver necklace.  Overall it has been a great experience and I will miss everyone dearly!

Me with the some of the office staff
Carrot Cake Cupcakes that Brandon and I made to bring on my last day
My final day presents, flowers, champagne and a necklace
Close-up of the necklace
Oh My!
Although I am sad to be ending my internship with the OAE, I am looking forward to having a bit of free time again. While I plan on spending most of it writing and researching for my final dissertation, I am also looking forward to more London explorations, now that the weather is brightening up!  London in the spring is so lovely and I plan on enjoying it as much as I can before leaving in August.

Much Love,

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A Beautiful Weekend

At Holland Park
The weather this weekend in London was absolutely lovely!  With bright sunny skies and a high of 68F (20C), it was a great weekend to be outside.  And that's just what Brandon and I did.  We ventured out to the west side of London to the Notting Hill area. We explored the charming Holland Park, which has a giant chess board, Japanese garden and Ice Cream shoppe.  We even packed a picnic lunch and enjoyed lunch on a park bench.

Waterfall in the Japanese Garden
Japanese Garden
Cherry Blossoms in Bloom

Giant Chess
Rose Garden
Following our jaunt through the park we stumbled across an American Food Store.  They had all the items we've been craving this whole year, that you cannot find in the UK.  Items such as: Chex Mix, Velveeta cheese, Kraft mac and cheese, and Ranch dressing.  So we walked out with a nice variety of food to remind us of home!

We also had a special surprise earlier this week.  My friend, Megan, whom I know from college, and her husband Chad visited London this week and we got to have dinner with them one night, before they headed off to Paris!  As you can see, it was quite a bit cooler that evening (my hair being crazy in the wind), but here are Megan and I in Trafalgar Square.  I hope they had a great trip and it was so lovely to see them.

Friends reunited in Trafalgar Square!
Boy, I sure wish more friends would come visit us!  We are great tour guides!!!

Wishing you all a lovely spring!